
ปริญญาตรี สำนักวิชาการจัดการ


ภาษาไทย: หลักสูตรหลักสูตรบริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต
ภาษาอังกฤษ: Bachelor of Business Administration Program


ภาษาไทย: ชื่อเต็ม : บริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต
ชื่อย่อ : บธ.บ.
ภาษาอังกฤษ: ชื่อเต็ม : Bachelor of Business Administration
ชื่อย่อ : B.B.A

Major (if Applicable)

  • Business Administration
  • Tourism Business and Events
  • Hospitality Business Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Aviation Business Management

ปรัชญา / วัตถุประสงค์

This curriculum pursues “Progressivism” education philosophy which aims to produce future business professionals who:

  • Possess well-constructed theories and practices
  • Are committed to life-long learning
  • Are equipped with the capabilities to adapt knowledge and skills in the global context and digital world
  • Comply with a professional code of ethics and governing regulations.

This curriculum offers five different majors including business administration, tourism business and events, hospitality industry management, logistics and supply chain management, and aviation business management.

The program aims to produce graduates who (can/are able to):

  1. Demonstrate business ethics and good governance by being Social Responsible and following the Global Codes of Ethics of the United National World Tourism Organization (UNWTO);
  2. Possess fundamental concepts and theories in core functional areas of business and the international context;
  3. Demonstrate effective business communication skills
  4. Demonstrate adaptability and accountability in a team setting and an awareness of the diversity of people.
  5. Implement technology, and innovation for business plan creation, decision making, and problem solving.


The Bachelor of Business Administration graduates may have a wide spectrum of career opportunities in private and public sectors. The graduates may serve in several industries such as business, aviation, hospitality, tourism, and logistics industries, etc. The graduate’s careers are very diverse and specialize in digital, for instance sales representatives, marketers, financial management executors, business data analysts, business strategists, human resources specialists, international business specialists, investment specialists, business planners, business developer, or even tour guides. 

Not only the business careers that graduates may have but the graduates also may work in other businesses and pursue other career paths. As the program aims to build graduates with business core competence and ability to adapt in different circumstances. Therefore, graduates may work in other possible careers. For example, flight attendances, passenger ground service agent, receptionist, chef, event organizer, air cargo officer, head of housekeepers, etc. Moreover, the graduates may operate their own businesses with the mindset equipped with social enterprise and digital literacy.


  • PLO1  Demonstrate business ethics and good governance in the business context
  • PLO2  Apply fundamental concepts and theories in core functional areas of business and the international context
  • PLO3  Propose business plans under dynamic contexts
  • PLO4  Work in diverse environment
  • PLO5 Apply innovation, digital technology, and data analytic techniques to propose solutions to business problems and to support decision making
  • PLO6  Demonstrate oral and writing skills in business communication


  1. Major: Business Administration 
    • 220,000 Baht per Programme :  (For Thai Students)
    • 27,500 Baht per Semester : (For Thai Students)
  2. Major: Tourism Business and Events 
    • 240,000 Baht per Programme :  (For Thai Students)
    • 30,000 Baht per Semester : (For Thai Students)
  3. Major: Hospitality Business Management 
    • 220,000 Baht per Programme :  (For Thai Students)
    • 27,500 Baht per Semester : (For Thai Students)
  4. Major: Logistics and Supply Chain Management Major
    • 240,000 Baht per Programme :  (For Thai Students)
    • 30,000 Baht per Semester : (For Thai Students)
  5. Major: Aviation Business Management
    • 320,000 Baht per Programme :  (For Thai Students)
    • 40,000 Baht per Semester : (For Thai Students)
